235 research outputs found

    Influence of Urban Landscapes on Population Dynamics in a Short-Distance Migrant Mosquito: Evidence for the Dengue Vector Aedes aegypti

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    Worldwide, 2.5 billion people are at risk for dengue infection, with no vaccine or treatment available. Thus dengue prevention is largely focused on controlling its mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti. Traditional mosquito control approaches typically include insecticide applications and breeding site source reduction. Presently, novel dengue control measures including the sterile insect technique and population replacement with dengue-incompetent transgenic mosquitoes are also being considered. Success of all population control programs is in part dependent upon understanding mosquito population ecology, including how anthropogenic effects on the urban landscape influence dispersal and expansion. We conducted a two year population genetic study examining how a major metropolitan highway impacts mosquito dispersal in Trinidad, West Indies. As evidenced by significant differentiation using both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, the highway acted as a significant barrier to dispersal. Our results suggest that anthropogenic landscape features can be used effectively to enhance population suppression/replacement measures by defining mosquito control zones along recognized landscape barriers that limit population dispersal

    Extended Infrared Photoresponse in Te-Hyperdoped Si at Room Temperature

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    Presently, silicon photonics requires photodetectors that are sensitive in a broad infrared range, can operate at room temperature, and are suitable for integration with the existing Si-technology process. Here, we demonstrate strong room-temperature sub-band-gap photoresponse of photodiodes based on Si hyperdoped with tellurium. The epitaxially recrystallized Te-hyperdoped Si layers are developed by ion implantation combined with pulsed-laser melting and incorporate Te-dopant concentrations several orders of magnitude above the solid solubility limit. With increasing Te concentration, the Te-hyperdoped layer changes from insulating to quasi-metallic behavior with a finite conductivity as the temperature tends to zero. The optical absorptance is found to increase monotonically with increasing Te concentration and extends well into the mid-infrared range. Temperature-dependent optoelectronic photoresponse unambiguously demonstrates that the extended infrared photoresponsivity from Te-hyperdoped Si p-n photodiodes is mediated by a Te intermediate band within the upper half of the Si band gap. This work contributes to pave the way toward establishing a Si-based broadband infrared photonic system operating at room temperature.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Sub-bandgap spectral photo-response analysis of Ti supersaturated Si

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    We have analyzed the increase of the sheet conductance (ΔG□) under spectral illumination in high dose Ti implanted Si samples subsequently processed by pulsed-laser melting. Samples with Ti concentration clearly above the insulator-metal transition limit show a remarkably high ΔG□, even higher than that measured in a silicon reference sample. This increase in the ΔG□ magnitude is contrary to the classic understanding of recombination centers action and supports the lifetime recovery predicted for concentrations of deep levels above the insulator-metal transition

    Study of the Electrical Behavior in Intermediate Band-Si Junctions

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    In this study we analyze the electrical behavior of a junction formed by an ultraheavily Ti implanted Si layer processed by a Pulsed Laser Melting (PLM) and the non implanted Si substrate. This electrical behavior exhibits an electrical decoupling effect in this bilayer that we have associated to an Intermediate Band (IB) formation in the Ti supersaturated Si layer. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToFSIMS) measurements show a Ti depth profile with concentrations well above the theoretical limit required to the IB formation. Sheet resistance and Hall mobility measurements in the van der Pauw configuration of these bilayers exhibit a clear dependence with the different measurement currents introduced (1menor queA-1mA). We find that the electrical transport properties measured present an electrical decoupling effect in the bilayer as function of the temperature. The dependence of this effect with the injected current could be explained in terms of an additional current flow in the junction from the substrate to the IB layer and in terms of the voltage dependence in the junction with the measurement current

    Energy levels distribution in supersaturated silicon with titanium for photovoltaic applications

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    In the attempt to form an intermediate band in the bandgap of silicon substrates to give it the capability to absorb infrared radiation, we studied the deep levels in supersaturated silicon with titanium. The technique used to characterize the energy levels was the thermal admittance spectroscopy. Our experimental results showed that in samples with titanium concentration just under Mott limit there was a relationship among the activation energy value and the capture cross section value. This relationship obeys to the well known Meyer-Neldel rule, which typically appears in processes involving multiple excitations, like carrier capture/emission in deep levels, and it is generally observed in disordered systems. The obtained characteristic Meyer-Neldel parameters were Tmn = 176 K and kTmn = 15 meV. The energy value could be associated to the typical energy of the phonons in the substrate. The almost perfect adjust of all experimental data to the same straight line provides further evidence of the validity of the Meyer Neldel rule, and may contribute to obtain a deeper insight on the ultimate meaning of this phenomenon. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

    Developing virtual and augmented reality applications for science, technology, engineering and math education

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    The Rhode Island IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Molecular Informatics Core at the University of Rhode Island Information Technology Services Innovative Learning Technologies developed virtual and augmented reality applications to teach concepts in biomedical science, including pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, cell culture and nanotechnology. The apps were developed as full virtual reality/augmented reality and 3D gaming versions, which do not require virtual reality headsets. Development challenges included creating intuitive user interfaces, text-to-voice functionality, visualization of molecules and implementing complex science concepts. In-app quizzes are used to assess the user\u27s understanding of topics, and user feedback was collected for several apps to improve the experience. The apps were positively reviewed by users and are being implemented into the curriculum at the University of Rhode Island

    Lateral Gene Transfer in a Heavy Metal-Contaminated-Groundwater Microbial Community

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    Unraveling the drivers controlling the response and adaptation of biological communities to environmental change, especially anthropogenic activities, is a central but poorly understood issue in ecology and evolution. Comparative genomics studies suggest that lateral gene transfer (LGT) is a major force driving microbial genome evolution, but its role in the evolution of microbial communities remains elusive. To delineate the importance of LGT in mediating the response of a groundwater microbial community to heavy metal contamination, representative Rhodanobacter reference genomes were sequenced and compared to shotgun metagenome sequences. 16S rRNA gene-based amplicon sequence analysis indicated that Rhodanobacter populations were highly abundant in contaminated wells with low pHs and high levels of nitrate and heavy metals but remained rare in the uncontaminated wells. Sequence comparisons revealed that multiple geochemically important genes, including genes encoding Fe2+/Pb2+ permeases, most denitrification enzymes, and cytochrome c553, were native to Rhodanobacter and not subjected to LGT. In contrast, the Rhodanobacter pangenome contained a recombinational hot spot in which numerous metal resistance genes were subjected to LGT and/or duplication. In particular, Co2+/Zn2+/Cd2+ efflux and mercuric resistance operon genes appeared to be highly mobile within Rhodanobacter populations. Evidence of multiple duplications of a mercuric resistance operon common to most Rhodanobacter strains was also observed. Collectively, our analyses indicated the importance of LGT during the evolution of groundwater microbial communities in response to heavy metal contamination, and a conceptual model was developed to display such adaptive evolutionary processes for explaining the extreme dominance of Rhodanobacter populations in the contaminated groundwater microbiome

    Blockade of the BLT1-LTB4 axis does not affect mast cell migration towards advanced atherosclerotic lesions in LDLr-/- mice

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    Mast cells have been associated with the progression and destabilization of advanced atherosclerotic plaques. Reducing intraplaque mast cell accumulation upon atherosclerosis progression could be a potent therapeutic strategy to limit plaque destabilization. Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) has been reported to induce mast cell chemotaxis in vitro. Here, we examined whether antagonism of the LTB4-receptor BLT1 could inhibit mast cell accumulation in advanced atherosclerosis. Expression of genes involved in LTB4 biosynthesis was determined by single-cell RNA sequencing of human atherosclerotic plaques. Subsequently, Western-type diet fed LDLr-/- mice with pre-existing atherosclerosis were treated with the BLT1-antagonist CP105,696 or vehicle control three times per week by oral gavage. In the spleen, a significant reduction in CD11b+ myeloid cells was observed, including Ly6Clo and Ly6Chi monocytes as well as dendritic cells. However, atherosclerotic plaque size, collagen and macrophage content in the aortic root remained unaltered upon treatment. Finally, BLT1 antagonism did not affect mast cell numbers in the aortic root. Here, we show that human intraplaque leukocytes may be a source of locally produced LTB4. However, BLT1-antagonism during atherosclerosis progression does not affect either local mast cell accumulation or plaque size, suggesting that other mechanisms participate in mast cell accumulation during atherosclerosis progression.Biopharmaceutic